5 Surprising Tips for Increasing Denture Efficiency With Dental Implants

In many cases, adding dental implants in Portland OR can make your dentures feel more natural and help them function better in comparison to dentures worm without an implant anchor. This process will provide you with much more confidence and freedom.

Those who already have implants will find that they experience even more improved denture function with dental implants.

 Why do dental implants help denture function?

Dental Implants with Classic Denture Center in Portland ORIn the case of replacing single missing teeth, your dental implant becomes your new permanent tooth replacement option. It uses a small titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone, serving as the “tooth root.” This life-like dental crown is attached to the post, creating a natural-looking and natural-feeling replacement for your tooth.

Now when a patient is completely toothless and has dentures, a specialized “locator attachment” is used in place of a crown. The attachment is made to anchor the denture to the implant, resulting in an easy-to-wear denture option. When you have an implant to serve as an anchor, your dentures function will more naturally.

Dental implants are being advertised every day, helping make patients more aware than ever of their benefits and accessibility.

Here are a few things to know…

1. Dental implants are quite often the best thing for patients who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth. An implant or implant-supported restoration could last up to 30 years or more, contributing to patients’ oral health and overall well-being.

2. Many physical and emotional factors lead to patients wanting implants:

  • Missing teeth
  • Bone deterioration
  • Improving smile or face shape.

From the clinician’s perspective, good candidates are patients who exhibit adequate bone support, good overall health, are not at risk for periodontal disease, and exhibit excellent oral hygiene. Risk factors to consider include health history, smoking, systemic disease, current medications and history, malocclusion, parafunctional habits, and even unrealistic expectations. Many risk factors will impact a successful clinical outcome if they can’t be resolved.

3. Tooth extraction is very technique sensitive, especially in the anterior. Care must be taken to ensure that sufficient bone and tissue are preserved to support an implant and a natural, esthetic emergence profile. If not enough bone exists to support immediate placement /loading, a bone graft can help support the soft tissue until an implant can be placed.

Whether disease, decay, or trauma has caused tooth loss, if a tooth can’t be replaced immediately, the surrounding bone may begin to shrink or resorb. Severe bone loss can make it impossible to place a dental implant later. A small block of substitute bone such as an allograft can be shaped to restore the ridge to its original form to prevent bone loss. Once the bone block is secured in place with titanium screws, additional bone material can be used to cover the surrounding area and create a more natural final shape.

4. Dental implants in Portland OR are supposed to last a lifetime. Patient education is the best defense for the long life of implant restoration. Patients should understand that an implant’s success depends on their home care as well as continued overall health.

5. Compliance may be aided by explaining that their oral hygiene regimen will be essentially the same as for their natural teeth – brushing, flossing, and professional teeth cleaning – although they may be asked to use special brushes and interdental products, low-abrasive or low pH toothpastes, and different techniques or irrigation technologies to avoid damaging the various implant component surfaces. They also may need to have additional professional cleaning sessions to reduce plaque and prevent periimplantitis, depending on their oral health and compliance.

Best Denturist in Portland OR'Your dentures are designed to give you significant improvement to your daily oral function, but current denture wearers will let you know that they aren’t perfect. That said, once you get past the learning curve, you will begin to find that it’s much easier to eat certain foods or speak normally with dentures.

Here at Classic Denture Center, we do not place implants. We create your new dentures and place them over your implants. To discuss whether dental implants would be right for your oral health, contact us today!

The Warning Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection and inflammation that affects the tissues and bone that support your teeth. Today your denturist in Portland OR wants to share some information about this medical condition and share some warning signs to watch for.

When your gums are healthy, your gum tissues tightly hug each of your teeth. When you have gum disease, your gums pull away from your teeth. As the gum disease gets worse, the tissues and bones that support your teeth become damaged. Over time, your teeth may need to be removed.

Treating Periodontal Disease in the Early Stages is Very Important and Can Help Prevent Tooth Loss.

Periodontal Disease and how to prevent itPeriodontal disease has been linked to other diseases. Gum disease is common among people with either diabetes or heart disease. Strokes and high stress also may be related to periodontal disease.

It is important to talk to your dentist about medications you may be taking or health problems you may have. Together, you can work out an oral care plan for your best oral and overall health.

Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease

  • Gums that bleed when you brush or floss
  • Gums that are red, swollen, puffy or tender
  • Gums that no longer tightly hug your teeth
  • Feeling that your teeth are loose
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • A change in the way your partial dentures fit

You may notice one or more of these warning signs, or you may not have any signs of gum disease at all. This is why it is important to see your dentist regularly. Treatment of periodontal disease is most successful when it is caught early.

Causes of Periodontal Disease

Plaque is a sticky film that is always on your teeth. Bacteria that live in the plaque can cause your body to react and make your gums become red, puffy and swollen. Plaque can harden when it is left on your teeth and gums. Hardened plaque is also called tartar. Gums that are red, puffy, and swollen also start to pull away from your teeth. Spaces called pockets start to form between your gums and teeth. These pockets give bacteria a place to collect and grow.

The bacteria in your oral pockets will cause your gum condition to get worse. These bacteria produce toxins, which causes your body to break down the gum tissues and bone around your teeth.

Are You at Risk?

Anyone can get periodontal disease, but there are other factors that can raise your risk of getting it.

  1. Not taking care of your teeth and gums. Be sure you brush 2 times a day, every day, and for 2 minutes each time. Also, please remember to clean between your teeth every day.
  2. Using tobacco of any kind. You are more likely to have gum disease if you smoke, chew, or dip tobacco.
  3. Diseases that affect the whole body, such as diabetes and HIV infection lower your body’s resistance to infection, including periodontal disease.
  4. Many medications, such as those to treat blood pressure or steroids, can affect your gums. A common side effect is dry mouth. This can increase your risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Tell your dentist about all the medications you take and any changes in your health.
  5. Teens, pregnant women, and those taking birth control pills have changes in hormone levels. These changes can cause gums to become more sensitive to plaque bacteria.
  6. Genes may play a role. If your parents wear dentures or you have a family history of tooth loss, be extra alert for changes to your gums.
  7. The bacteria that cause gum disease may be passed from parents to children and between partners through saliva.

Treating Periodontal Disease

See your dentist or denturist to avoid periodontal diseaseYour gum disease treatment will depend on factors such as your personal health history and the stage of your periodontal disease.

All dentists are trained to detect and treat gum disease. That said, in some cases, your dentist may refer you to a periodontist – a dentist who specializes in the treatment of gum disease.

If the gum disease is caught early enough (when it is gingivitis), you may simply need a professional cleaning. Your dental team can also give you advice for improving your daily oral hygiene.

A professional cleaning is not enough if your gum disease is severe. Usually, a special deep cleaning called scaling and root planing is needed. Scaling and root planing is sometimes called “deep cleaning” or “periodontal cleaning.”

If you have any questions about periodontal disease or suspect you may be developing it, your denturist in Portland OR recommends that you see your dentist right away.

Contact us at Classic Denture Center today to find out more about dental health or for questions about dentures.

Ten Tips to Help You Adjust to Your New Dentures

If you are new to wearing dentures and are concerned that you aren’t completely adjusted to wearing them immediately… You aren’t alone.

In general, it can actually take around 30 days to get used to wearing them.

It might be difficult to be patient during this time, but your denturist in Portland Oregon suggests relaxing and allowing yourself to get used to them before worrying. As you adjust, you will be learning to eat and speak again, which can definitely be a challenge.

As uncomfortable as it might be, you should probably expect some soreness at first. This is especially true if you have had some tooth extractions. These procedures inflame your gums and need time to heal.

Eating soft foods and rinsing with warm salt water will help reduce your pain and allow your mouth a chance to get used to the new situation.

Below you will find 10 denture scenarios, and some suggestions to help you overcome and adjust to them.

portland oregon denturist

1. Patience. Learning to wear a denture takes time, and your mouth needs to heal and adjust. It’s important to follow your denturist’s advice and not become discouraged because everyone who gets new dentures experiences this.

2. Lowers. If you have a complete lower denture, you should know that it usually takes far longer to master than a complete upper one. Remember to take your time and try not to worry when your tongue feels strange or restricted. It will soon accustom itself to the new position. Practice makes perfect!

3. Chewing. Eating only soft foods for the first few days is important to allow your mouth to heal. Over time you can add more solid foods into the mix, and as you do try to chew slowly and evenly so that you grow accustomed to managing your denture and to the pressure on the gums when chewing and biting. Give yourself more time for meals, because the longer you take, the quicker you will master your new denture.

4. Biting. In the beginning, don’t take large bites. Cut all foods into small portions and take much smaller bites than you normally would. If and when your gum ridges are firm enough to try foods that are bitten off (bread, corn on the cob, maybe even apples), press the food back against the upper teeth when biting to stabilize the denture.

5. Sore Spots. If you are experiencing pain and/or discomfort spots on your gums, visit your denturist for an adjustment.

6. Speech. If you notice that your dentures are causing you to slur your words or make speech seem more difficult, it is always a good idea to practice reading aloud or speaking before a mirror.

7. Cleaning. Your denture should be cleaned every morning with a denture safe cleanser or soap. This will help you make sure that it isn’t harboring bacteria or plaque that could cause damage to your gums. Cleaning will also ensure that your denture stays beautiful and comfortable for as long as possible.

8. Wear and Care. Try not to remove your denture, unless you need to clean or rinse it. Your denture may warp if it is left out to dry for an extended period of time. When you remove it for the night, keep it in water.

9. Tissue Change. It is important to remember that your gum tissues change, but your denture does not. Visit your denturist on a regular basis for a complete denture checkup to make sure that your denture is functioning properly.

10. Adjustments. This one is important! Never attempt to repair, reline, or adjust your denture by yourself in any way. This is a task that must be left to your denturist.


Enjoy soft foods while you adjust to your new denturesThe above tips are important to ensuring that you can be successful in wearing your new dentures! They might be uncomfortable, strange, and sore at first, but getting new dentures should be seen as an exciting new step in your life. These dentures are meant to give you confidence, beauty, and function… So if you are stressed out with the adjustment process, just remember that it’s only temporary.

After just a bit of time, you will be LOVING your new mouth and these first 30 days will be a distant memory!

At Classic Denture Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve that goal.

Your denturist in Portland Oregon, Tanya Poleon, can ease your mind and answer any questions you might have. We’ll gladly provide you with extra tips to help you adjust to your new smile. Contact us today!

9 Reasons to Take Advantage of Our Free Denture Consultations

You might be wondering if you are ready to take the plunge into a full set of dentures. Even investing in partial dentures or implants can be a big decision that will definitely affect your life.

dentures portland oregon

At Classic Denture Center, your Portland OR Denturist Tanya Poleon doesn’t want you to have to live a life of discomfort, pain, or low self-confidence while you make the decision that dentures are your next step. She understands the importance of this choice, which is why she offers free in-office consultations for anyone who may be considering new dentures, or for those who are struggling with the functionality or comfort of their current ones.

Tanya Poleon was a licensed dentist and oral surgeon for over 20 years before making the switch into dentures over 8 years ago. She made this change because of her strong belief that making the switch to dentures at precisely the right time is a major component of oral health.

Common symptoms that might suggest it is time for an oral change include:  

  • You are getting regular headaches
  • You are having trouble eating hard or chewy foods
  • Shoulder, neck, and back pain from tooth misalignment
  • You are experiencing tooth pain
  • You have recurring facial pain
  • You are self-conscious about smiling
  • You are experiencing chronic tooth decay
  • Your teeth are loose, shifting, or the gaps between your teeth are wider
  • You have red or swollen gums

Your denturist’s experience in the dentistry and surgical fields gave her the experience of witnessing how the mouth wears over time first-hand. This unique experience is exactly why you can fully trust that you will be treated with honesty and dignity during your no-cost evaluation, and leave with new knowledge about your oral health.

Whether now is the right time to make some important dental changes or not, you can be sure that your denturist in Portland OR will help you devise a plan for your mouth that will get you on the path towards optimal health. Dentures may be the solution or maybe some proper care and maintenance can restore your mouth to its original luster.

At Classic Denture Center, we do not just provide our clients with dentures, we offer a variety of services that could improve your smile. These services include:

  • Dentures
  • Partials
  • Relines
  • Same Day Denture Adjustments & Repairs
  • Immediate Dentures
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Private Consultations & Oral Exams
  • Denture Rebases
  • Ultrasonic Denture Cleaning
  • Dentures Over Implants

Denturist Tanya Poleon understands that your oral health depends on overall optimal health. This is why she dedicates herself to making sure that dentures are the number one best choice for you.

Her classic values for you include:

  • To feel well
  • To eat and chew properly
  • To look and feel beautiful

Encompassing these values, Tanya Poleon will help you make this important decision. She feels that the best way to respect your health goals is to provide you with the personalized, confidential, and honest care that you deserve.

So if you are ready to find out if dentures are the right choice for you right now, do not hesitate to contact your trusted and experienced Denturist in Portland OR today. A bright and white smile is just a phone call away!

Paying for Your Dentures Made Easy at Classic Denture Center

When you first start considering investing in your smile through dentures, the thought might be incredibly daunting. Even once you determine that they are the right choice for you, the cost can loom over you like a bad dream. At Classic Denture Center, we want to make getting dentures in Portland OR a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

poleon dentures | dentures portland oregonIt is our mission to give you back your life, to give you back your favorite foods, and most importantly to give you back your confidence. For this reason, we make every effort to keep our costs low and quality of service high.

When you step through the doorway into our clinic, you will meet our experienced and knowledgeable denturist Tanya Poleon. She will examine your mouth and talk with you about all of your dental options. Throughout this process, she will not try to sell you on something more expensive or more extreme than you actually need, her main concern will be getting you back to a place where your mouth functions and looks just the way you want it to.

Once you have agreed on a treatment plan that is right for you, it will be time to determine the best way to pay for your shiny new dentures or dental implants.

When determining the cost of our services, it is our goal to provide you our best possible estimate on price. In some cases, clinical issues specific to your case might cause the cost to fluctuate. In such cases, we will consult with you prior to providing the additional services.

When it comes to payment of services, our clients are as unique as the services they require. Below are a few of the payment options you can choose from for your new dentures:

  • Dental Insurance: United Health Care, MODA, or Providence ElderPlace 
  • Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid
  • Payment from Third-Party Care Providers
  • Out of Pocket Payment
  • Combination of any of the above

We understand that 20%-30% of our clients intend to pay for denture services with cash up front, out of pocket. That said, we are more than happy to work with you to determine the best payment arrangement for you.

Here are just a few of our private payment options: 

  • Deposit up front and finalize when done
  • Pay in full up front
  • Put down a deposit and make monthly payments
  • Pay with a credit card

When determining which of our services will work best for your smile, we also offer mobile denture services. This option does tend to cost a little more, but not much. This personalized service allows you to receive denture care in your group home or assisted living community, without the inconvenience of having to come into the office.

Your denturist Tanya Poleon works hard to keep her prices very competitive because she knows that you have many other ways to spend your money. She is dedicated to your ability to enjoy life to the fullest, which is why at Classic Denture Center a full set of dentures will generally only cost around $1800. This is much lower than other denture clinics in the area.

So if you are ready to make the plunge into a bright new smile through dentures in Portland OR, contact Classic Denture Center today!  We can provide you exceptional service at a price you can be happy about.

How to Save Time with Mobile Denture Services

At Classic Denture Center, we understand how important proper dental care is to your overall health. The way we look at it is that your mouth is the door to the rest of your body. Diseases that occur here, such as oral infections, can lead to much more serious and even life-threatening issues.

mobile denturist portland oregon | Poleon dentures Thankfully, your mobile denturist in Portland OR has both the experience and skills that are necessary to provide the quality oral care that you or your loved one needs in order to achieve a high quality of life. For this reason, we offer mobile denture services for our clients who reside in nursing homes, as well as those who live in adult foster care centers. It is our mission to help change their lives through consistent, prompt, skillful, and compassionate care.

How does mobile dental service work?

Your denturist Tanya Poleon, LD is willing to help all of her denture clients, including those who are unable to come into the clinic. You might not realize it, but we can actually bring a full range of denture services right to you! We bring the tools with us, from the necessary equipment needed for the procedure to our experienced and knowledgeable team.

How do I get mobile denture services?

Now that you know about this amazing service, are you wondering how to get this mobile treatment? In order to obtain a referral to our mobile denture services, please contact Exceptional Needs Dental Services at endsor.com right away. Once you have a referral, you or your loved one can call our office to request an appointment. We will then ask you for some information and have you fill out some paperwork. If you currently live in a senior care center or in an adult foster care center, our team will reach out to you or your representative to walk you through the process.

Denture care is easier than ever with Classic Denture Center! You can avoid the trip to our office and skip taking an entire day off to see your denturist because she will come to you. This service will help you achieve all of your oral goals in a cost-effective and timely manner.

If you are in need of denture service, but leaving your residence to get it ranges from difficult to impossible, your mobile denturist in Portland OR is here to help. Delaying care can lead to painful and costly repercussions, which can be avoided with denture services. Contact Classic Denture Center today to schedule your appointment and get ready to be spoiled with care directly from your home.