5 Surprising Tips for Increasing Denture Efficiency With Dental Implants

In many cases, adding dental implants in Portland OR can make your dentures feel more natural and help them function better in comparison to dentures worm without an implant anchor. This process will provide you with much more confidence and freedom.

Those who already have implants will find that they experience even more improved denture function with dental implants.

 Why do dental implants help denture function?

Dental Implants with Classic Denture Center in Portland ORIn the case of replacing single missing teeth, your dental implant becomes your new permanent tooth replacement option. It uses a small titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone, serving as the “tooth root.” This life-like dental crown is attached to the post, creating a natural-looking and natural-feeling replacement for your tooth.

Now when a patient is completely toothless and has dentures, a specialized “locator attachment” is used in place of a crown. The attachment is made to anchor the denture to the implant, resulting in an easy-to-wear denture option. When you have an implant to serve as an anchor, your dentures function will more naturally.

Dental implants are being advertised every day, helping make patients more aware than ever of their benefits and accessibility.

Here are a few things to know…

1. Dental implants are quite often the best thing for patients who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth. An implant or implant-supported restoration could last up to 30 years or more, contributing to patients’ oral health and overall well-being.

2. Many physical and emotional factors lead to patients wanting implants:

  • Missing teeth
  • Bone deterioration
  • Improving smile or face shape.

From the clinician’s perspective, good candidates are patients who exhibit adequate bone support, good overall health, are not at risk for periodontal disease, and exhibit excellent oral hygiene. Risk factors to consider include health history, smoking, systemic disease, current medications and history, malocclusion, parafunctional habits, and even unrealistic expectations. Many risk factors will impact a successful clinical outcome if they can’t be resolved.

3. Tooth extraction is very technique sensitive, especially in the anterior. Care must be taken to ensure that sufficient bone and tissue are preserved to support an implant and a natural, esthetic emergence profile. If not enough bone exists to support immediate placement /loading, a bone graft can help support the soft tissue until an implant can be placed.

Whether disease, decay, or trauma has caused tooth loss, if a tooth can’t be replaced immediately, the surrounding bone may begin to shrink or resorb. Severe bone loss can make it impossible to place a dental implant later. A small block of substitute bone such as an allograft can be shaped to restore the ridge to its original form to prevent bone loss. Once the bone block is secured in place with titanium screws, additional bone material can be used to cover the surrounding area and create a more natural final shape.

4. Dental implants in Portland OR are supposed to last a lifetime. Patient education is the best defense for the long life of implant restoration. Patients should understand that an implant’s success depends on their home care as well as continued overall health.

5. Compliance may be aided by explaining that their oral hygiene regimen will be essentially the same as for their natural teeth – brushing, flossing, and professional teeth cleaning – although they may be asked to use special brushes and interdental products, low-abrasive or low pH toothpastes, and different techniques or irrigation technologies to avoid damaging the various implant component surfaces. They also may need to have additional professional cleaning sessions to reduce plaque and prevent periimplantitis, depending on their oral health and compliance.

Best Denturist in Portland OR'Your dentures are designed to give you significant improvement to your daily oral function, but current denture wearers will let you know that they aren’t perfect. That said, once you get past the learning curve, you will begin to find that it’s much easier to eat certain foods or speak normally with dentures.

Here at Classic Denture Center, we do not place implants. We create your new dentures and place them over your implants. To discuss whether dental implants would be right for your oral health, contact us today!

Sleep Apnea: A Hidden Disorder

When you think about sleep apnea, who comes to mind?

Many people misguidedly think that sleep apnea only afflicts men over the age of 50 who are overweight. While these things do factor into an increased risk for sleep apnea, you might be surprised to hear that so much more goes into it.

Today, your denturist in Portland OR would like to clear the air a bit about who suffers from sleep apnea and how serious this condition is.

A person who suffers from sleep apnea could be:

  • Male or Female
  • In any physical condition
  • Young, middle-aged, mature adult, or elderly

As a matter of fact, an estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, and a staggering 80% of these cases are undiagnosed. This means that you could be struggling with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea and not even realize it. It is also important to note that between 1% and 4% of all children, including infants, are affected.

your denturist in portland oregon can help you treat sleep apnea

So what is sleep apnea and why is it a concern?

This is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. The main type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where the throat muscles relax and disrupt the normal breathing pattern.

Sleep apnea can be the cause of many other secondary issues because the afflicted cannot obtain restful sleep.

Disease manifestations in the absence of appropriate, quality sleep can include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Dementia
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Nighttime heart attacks
  • Obesity
  • Memory loss
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Impotence
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Lack of energy
  • Diabetes
  • Premature death

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

The signs and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas overlap, sometimes making it difficult to determine which type you have.

The most common signs and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep – which would be reported by another person
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Morning headache
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
  • Difficulty paying attention while awake
  • Irritability

How is sleep apnea diagnosed?

Sleep breathing disorders must be diagnosed by a physician, and will typically begin with a sleep study. Once a diagnosis has been rendered, the physician can refer the patient to a qualified dentist who knows how to create the appropriate sleep device. Denturists and dentists work together in making different devices to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

If you think you or someone you love think you may be suffering from sleep apnea, time is of the essence! You never know, you could be one of the 80% of people with this disorder who are unaware they have it.

If you have any questions about sleep apnea or the devices you may need, please don’t hesitate to contact your denturist in Portland OR. Tanya Poleon understands the ins and outs of sleep apnea and can help you better understand various devices that treat the illness.

How to Save Time with Mobile Denture Services

At Classic Denture Center, we understand how important proper dental care is to your overall health. The way we look at it is that your mouth is the door to the rest of your body. Diseases that occur here, such as oral infections, can lead to much more serious and even life-threatening issues.

mobile denturist portland oregon | Poleon dentures Thankfully, your mobile denturist in Portland OR has both the experience and skills that are necessary to provide the quality oral care that you or your loved one needs in order to achieve a high quality of life. For this reason, we offer mobile denture services for our clients who reside in nursing homes, as well as those who live in adult foster care centers. It is our mission to help change their lives through consistent, prompt, skillful, and compassionate care.

How does mobile dental service work?

Your denturist Tanya Poleon, LD is willing to help all of her denture clients, including those who are unable to come into the clinic. You might not realize it, but we can actually bring a full range of denture services right to you! We bring the tools with us, from the necessary equipment needed for the procedure to our experienced and knowledgeable team.

How do I get mobile denture services?

Now that you know about this amazing service, are you wondering how to get this mobile treatment? In order to obtain a referral to our mobile denture services, please contact Exceptional Needs Dental Services at endsor.com right away. Once you have a referral, you or your loved one can call our office to request an appointment. We will then ask you for some information and have you fill out some paperwork. If you currently live in a senior care center or in an adult foster care center, our team will reach out to you or your representative to walk you through the process.

Denture care is easier than ever with Classic Denture Center! You can avoid the trip to our office and skip taking an entire day off to see your denturist because she will come to you. This service will help you achieve all of your oral goals in a cost-effective and timely manner.

If you are in need of denture service, but leaving your residence to get it ranges from difficult to impossible, your mobile denturist in Portland OR is here to help. Delaying care can lead to painful and costly repercussions, which can be avoided with denture services. Contact Classic Denture Center today to schedule your appointment and get ready to be spoiled with care directly from your home.