Dentures and Dry Mouth – Causes and Finding Relief

When you choose Classic Denture Center in Portland OR, you can be certain you are in good hands. Your new dentures will be handcrafted to fit your oral and confidence needs, giving you a comfortable and beautiful smile each and every day.

Once you take your new dentures home, it will be up to you to keep them looking and functioning great for as many years as possible. One of the factors for good retention of complete dentures is good coats of healthy saliva in the mouth. That said, we see many patients who have a dry mouth condition called xerostomia, often caused by a lack of saliva.

The function of your saliva is to coat and moisten the tissue inside your mouth. When this tissue gets too dry, it can become irritated, causing soreness and sometimes even infections. Without good saliva flow to keep your mouth clean, tooth decay and gum disease can be much more common.

Dry mouth can lead to problems such as cavities and bad breath, but also lead to:

  • Trouble with tasting, swallowing, chewing or speaking
  • Burning feeling in your mouth
  • Dryness in your throat
  • Cracked lips
  • Dry and rough tongue

Another problem we see with patients suffering from dry mouth is less comfort when wearing full dentures. This happens because the thin film of saliva necessary to help the dentures hold on well to oral tissue is simply not present.

Causes of Dry Mouth

many medications have side effects including dry mouth The most common precursor to dry mouth is taking medications to treat other problems. Many prescriptions (over 400) and over-the-counter medications list dry mouth as a side effect.

Some of these include:

  • Medicines for allergies, colds and high blood pressure
  • Painkillers
  • Antidepressants

In order to combat this issue, it is important to read the drug inserts that come with your medications. In the case where dry mouth is listed as a side effect, it is a good idea to let your dentist, denturist, hygienist or physician know so you can discuss your options. You may be able to take a different medication and avoid xerostomia all together.

Other than medication, dry mouth has also been known to be caused by other factors, including:

  • Radiation treatment for head and neck cancers
  • Salivary gland disease (such as Sjogren syndrome)
  • Emotional stress
  • Chemotherapy

Dry Mouth Relief

drinking plenty of fluids can help you avoid dry mouthThere are many things you can do to improve your xerostomia, including something as simple as drinking more fluids.

Other ways to manage dry mouth include:

  • Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking sugar-free hard candy to increase saliva flow
  • Sipping water with meals to moisten dry food
  • Sucking on ice chips during the day
  • Keeping the air moist with a humidifier at your bedside or another place in your home
  • Using over-the-counter saliva tablets to increase saliva flow
  • Applying a lanolin-based ointment to dry lips
  • Sipping water often
  • Using alcohol-free mouthwash
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and carbonated drinks

One of the most important things you can do if you are suffering from dry mouth is to make sure to see your dentist or denturist regularly, and always let them know about any medicines you may be taking and any other health-related issues.

Classic Denture Center in Portland Oregon is owned and operated by Tanya Poleon L.D. Tanya is highly dedicated to giving you comfort and confidence through your smile and can help you achieve all of your denture related goals. Contact us for help with your dentures today!

The Amazing Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures

At Classic Denture Center, we are your premier provider of dentures and partial removable dentures in Portland Oregon. Dr. Tanya Poleon strives to give you back your efficiency and confidence through fixtures that are composed of the strongest and highest quality materials on the market. She utilizes the newest technology to ensure a perfect fit, so you can be proud of your new smile.

Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures

From dentures to partials, your denturist can help you decide which of our services will make the most profound impact on your life. Sometimes our patients come into our office with missing teeth. These patients already know from experience that living with this can be emotionally and physically draining. Not only have they had to adapt for eating their favorite foods, but their social interactions have also become much more challenging because of a lowered self-confidence. In many cases, these patients tell us that they avoid socializing altogether because they are so worried about showing their mouth to the world.

What are the physical impacts of tooth loss?

When a tooth is lost in your mouth, the teeth around it may begin to tilt and drift into the empty space. The teeth below or above may also begin to shift downwards or upwards towards the space. This shifting around can affect your bite and cause more stress to be placed on your remaining teeth and jaws. One major implication can also be the development of temporomandibular disorder, causing further pain and discomfort with your mouth.

These physical changes are exactly why we always recommend replacing missing teeth.

When we see a patient missing one or more teeth, we will often suggest using a removable partial denture to uphold the integrity of their mouth, jaw, and overall wellbeing.

Why use removable partial dentures? 

Removable partial dentures offer a variety of benefits to our patients suffering from tooth loss. Not only can they make it much easier to chew food, but they can also help you speak more clearly and support your cheeks and lips so your face is not sagging.

Here are a few more benefits of using removable partial dentures to replace missing teeth:

  • They can help you look younger
  • They can make it easier for you to chew food
  • They can give you a smile that you are proud of
  • They can be easily put in and taken out for your convenience
  • They are affordable

What are removable partial dentures composed of?

Amazing Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures  Your new removable partial dentures typically are constructed with replacement teeth fixed to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums. In some cases, this plastic base may cover a metal framework. These partial dentures will often have some form of a clasp that attaches to your natural teeth. This holds the denture in place. Your dentist or denturist may also recommend crowns on some of your natural teeth to help improve the way your removable partial denture fits your mouth.


Types of partial dentures:

1. Acrylic partial dentures

2. Metal frame partial dentures

3. Flexible (Valplast, Duraflex, etc…) partial dentures

Your denturist will know which kind of removable partial denture is right for you.

A few tips from your denturist regarding adjusting to your new dentures:

  • Begin by eating soft foods cut into small pieces
  • Chew on both sides of the mouth to keep the pressure even
  • Do not eat very sticky or hard foods, and do not chew gum
  • If you find that some words are hard to say at first, try reading out loud. With time and practice, you should be able to speak well.

If you have missing teeth, it is a good idea to set up a consultation with your local denturist to see if removable partial dentures in Portland OR might be right for you. Once you are fitted for them, your denturist will make follow-up appointments to look for pressure points or sore spots. Dr. Poleon will make adjustments so your denture fits comfortably. Once it’s perfect, you can begin to experience the confidence and happiness of a bright new smile.

Ten Tips to Help You Adjust to Your New Dentures

If you are new to wearing dentures and are concerned that you aren’t completely adjusted to wearing them immediately… You aren’t alone.

In general, it can actually take around 30 days to get used to wearing them.

It might be difficult to be patient during this time, but your denturist in Portland Oregon suggests relaxing and allowing yourself to get used to them before worrying. As you adjust, you will be learning to eat and speak again, which can definitely be a challenge.

As uncomfortable as it might be, you should probably expect some soreness at first. This is especially true if you have had some tooth extractions. These procedures inflame your gums and need time to heal.

Eating soft foods and rinsing with warm salt water will help reduce your pain and allow your mouth a chance to get used to the new situation.

Below you will find 10 denture scenarios, and some suggestions to help you overcome and adjust to them.

portland oregon denturist

1. Patience. Learning to wear a denture takes time, and your mouth needs to heal and adjust. It’s important to follow your denturist’s advice and not become discouraged because everyone who gets new dentures experiences this.

2. Lowers. If you have a complete lower denture, you should know that it usually takes far longer to master than a complete upper one. Remember to take your time and try not to worry when your tongue feels strange or restricted. It will soon accustom itself to the new position. Practice makes perfect!

3. Chewing. Eating only soft foods for the first few days is important to allow your mouth to heal. Over time you can add more solid foods into the mix, and as you do try to chew slowly and evenly so that you grow accustomed to managing your denture and to the pressure on the gums when chewing and biting. Give yourself more time for meals, because the longer you take, the quicker you will master your new denture.

4. Biting. In the beginning, don’t take large bites. Cut all foods into small portions and take much smaller bites than you normally would. If and when your gum ridges are firm enough to try foods that are bitten off (bread, corn on the cob, maybe even apples), press the food back against the upper teeth when biting to stabilize the denture.

5. Sore Spots. If you are experiencing pain and/or discomfort spots on your gums, visit your denturist for an adjustment.

6. Speech. If you notice that your dentures are causing you to slur your words or make speech seem more difficult, it is always a good idea to practice reading aloud or speaking before a mirror.

7. Cleaning. Your denture should be cleaned every morning with a denture safe cleanser or soap. This will help you make sure that it isn’t harboring bacteria or plaque that could cause damage to your gums. Cleaning will also ensure that your denture stays beautiful and comfortable for as long as possible.

8. Wear and Care. Try not to remove your denture, unless you need to clean or rinse it. Your denture may warp if it is left out to dry for an extended period of time. When you remove it for the night, keep it in water.

9. Tissue Change. It is important to remember that your gum tissues change, but your denture does not. Visit your denturist on a regular basis for a complete denture checkup to make sure that your denture is functioning properly.

10. Adjustments. This one is important! Never attempt to repair, reline, or adjust your denture by yourself in any way. This is a task that must be left to your denturist.


Enjoy soft foods while you adjust to your new denturesThe above tips are important to ensuring that you can be successful in wearing your new dentures! They might be uncomfortable, strange, and sore at first, but getting new dentures should be seen as an exciting new step in your life. These dentures are meant to give you confidence, beauty, and function… So if you are stressed out with the adjustment process, just remember that it’s only temporary.

After just a bit of time, you will be LOVING your new mouth and these first 30 days will be a distant memory!

At Classic Denture Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve that goal.

Your denturist in Portland Oregon, Tanya Poleon, can ease your mind and answer any questions you might have. We’ll gladly provide you with extra tips to help you adjust to your new smile. Contact us today!

The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

It has probably been drilled into you throughout your life that taking good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums is of utmost importance. Your denturist in Portland OR Tanya Poleon stresses that keeping up with your oral and dental hygiene can help you prevent mouth conditions, such as bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease, as well as keep your natural teeth for as long as possible.

The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

Brushing and flossing are both activities that are seen as vital to ensuring a  healthy mouth, but they can also be your first line of defense when it comes to other dangerous medical conditions.

As the case for maintaining good oral hygiene keeps getting stronger, it is important for you to understand how important your oral health is to your overall health.

So what does your mouth tell us about your overall health?

The answer to that question is… Plenty! 

A simple swab or look inside can actually give your doctor a world of insight into what’s going on inside your body.

Your saliva can also be used to detect for a variety of diseases and substances including:

  • Cortisol levels
  • Fragments of certain bone-specific proteins
  • Drugs
  • Certain cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Many other infectious diseases

Dental plaque has a connection to a variety of infections and diseases. Even though your saliva is great for protecting you against some invaders, it isn’t infallible. Many different types of bacteria can grow and thrive within your mouth. These bacteria constantly form a sticky, colorless film called dental plaque. This substance can cling to your teeth and cause you many pesky health problems.

This is especially the case when you forget to brush and floss on a regular basis. Allowing the plaque to build up along your gum-line can create the perfect environment for additional bacteria to accumulate.

This bacteria can lead to gum infections, such as: The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Trench mouth

These are just a few reasons why good habits are important to your overall health… Your mouth is more than just a pretty smile or a way to enjoy your favorite meal… It’s the gateway to the rest of your body!

It is also important to know that caring for your natural teeth and caring for your dentures does differ. Here is the proper way to care for your dentures:

  1. When cleaning your dentures, hold them over a sink of warm water to avoid damage if they are dropped
  2. Rinse them thoroughly with warm water to make sure food particles are removed
  3. Use a denture cleanser to avoid damage to the denture
  4. Moisten a denture brush to gently clean all surfaces of your denture
  5. Brush your tongue, gums, and natural teeth with a fluoride toothpaste before putting your dentures back in to help remove plaque
  6. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after you brush to be refreshed.

In many cases, you might have partial dentures and still have some natural teeth left, so it is important to use the proper hygiene suggestions for each to ensure and maintain proper oral health.

At Classic Denture Center, we know how much your smile means to you, and we hope you know how much it means to us!  We want to make sure that you have the tools to keep it in it’s best shape for as long as possible, which is why dental hygiene is our biggest push for our patients!

Your denturist in Portland OR believes firmly that the relationship between your overall health and your oral health is one of the most important connections out there. So please resolve to regularly practice good oral hygiene each and every day. This is an investment that you are making in our health, for the rest of your life!

Contact us today or schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you improve your health, in every way possible, through effective oral care.

Classic Denture Center: Additional Services

dental implants vancouver waAt Classic Denture Center, we know that having missing or damaged teeth may lead you to feel self-conscious about your smile and appearance when you are around other people. This is especially true if you are missing most or all of your teeth. In these cases, the first solution introduced is dentures in Vancouver WA. That said, we understand that some people feel insecure about the idea of having dentures and would prefer another option.

So are there any alternatives to dentures?

Dental Implants

In many cases, dental implants are the most common and effective option for those who are looking to avoid dentures. A dental implant is a titanium fixture that is surgically inserted into your jawbone. These fixtures act as anchors to hold your replacement teeth in place. Following the procedure of getting implants, you will need to wait 3-6 months for bonding to occur between your jawbone and the implant to make sure that it was successful.

Many people choose to go with dental implants because they are a long-term and durable solution for missing or damaged teeth. As a matter of fact, unlike dentures that need to be replaced every so often, your dental implants could last a lifetime. Unlike dentures, your new dental implants are not removable, meaning that they are extremely comfortable when eating or speaking. If you are hoping to qualify for dental implants, you will need to have healthy gums and enough supportive bone present to bond to the implant.


For those who have lost most or all of their teeth, over-dentures may be a good option. Unlike traditional dentures that are held in your mouth by an adhesive, over-dentures are very secure because they are held in place by dental implants or any remaining teeth in your mouth. They are very stable and will not move around while you are talking or chewing, making them an appealing option for missing teeth. Over-dentures also stimulate the jawbone due to how secure they are, this means that they can help slow down and even prevent any future bone loss.


These are a much less permanent option for those struggling with tooth loss. A Flipper is a removable partial denture that acts as a temporary replacement if you have missing teeth.

Flippers are made from a denture acrylic that very closely resembles your gums and is used to support your replacement tooth or teeth.

The look of your flipper can vary depending on how many teeth you are missing. It might even have clasps like a retainer to hold the replacement tooth in place around your existing teeth.

Here are a few benefits of a dental flipper:

  • You will achieve improved appearance: Your flipper fills in the gaps where your teeth are missing
  • It can be prepared in advance: If you are having a tooth removed, a dental flipper can be made in advance so you can avoid walking around with gaps in your teeth
  • It will make it easier to eat: A flipper helps you chew food more easily than with a missing tooth or teeth
  • They provide stability for your teeth: Your flipper works to keep the teeth that are around the gap in place, preventing shifting
  • They are convenient: You may find that you enjoy how simple they are to wear
  • They are affordable: Dental flippers can be much cheaper than other options
  • They are easy to make: Your new flipper can be made quickly and be ready to wear within a few days

Ask your denturist today!

If you have damaged or missing teeth and want to know about options outside of dentures in Vancouver WAcontact your knowledgeable denturist at Classic Denture Center today. Tanya Poleon L.D. can help you decide which option is right for you and get you on your way to a bright beautiful smile!

When Should You Replace Your Dentures?

Costmetic Dentistry in Portland OR

At Classic Denture Center, we offer cosmetic dentistry in Portland OR that can provide you with a beautiful and comfortable smile day after day! Our removable dentures are custom made to fit your mouth and can be expected to last 5-7 years. They are designed with denture teeth and denture acrylic.

Over time, the teeth may begin to wear or break, leading to them no longer fitting in the way they once did.

Today we would like to discuss the important advantages of investing in your smile by replacing your dentures on a regular basis.

Like we mentioned above, your dentures will need to be replaced every 5 – 7 years. Many patients will be surprised by this number and let us know that they have heard of dentures that lasted much longer, but it is unlikely that they lasted that long while being fully functional and comfortable.

Why your dentures won’t last forever:

  • In 5 – 7 years, you will enjoy eating approximately 7,665 meals! Not even including snacks
  • Most people chew about 12 times before they swallow. Meaning that your dentures can sustain over 5,518,800 chewing cycles before replacement
  • The average person’s mouth will change over that period of time, enough so that the dentures no longer fit into the grooves of your mouth
  • Dentures are fragile enough that they can break when dropped, and many people do end up dropping theirs at some point or another

So what happens to your dentures as they age?

The teeth on your dentures can be expected to wear over time. As this happens your bite will become a bit more “closed” and the vertical dimension of your face can actually start to shrink. Also, as your denture teeth wear, you will experience a more labored chewing experience and difficulty eating the foods you love.

Over time, your dentures will no longer fit as well as they did in the beginning. This is due to the fact that the gums and bone will shrink just a bit and cause the denture to no longer fit as close to the gums. This may cause slippage and a need for extra adhesive to be used. The stress caused by years of chewing can cause them to begin to chip, crack, or even de-bond.

So if you begin noticing that your dentures no longer fit as well as they did, or if you are experiencing difficulty in maintaining that beautiful smile of yours, contact your denturist at Classic Denture Center. We can replace your dentures before they really start to cause you major issues!

Don’t forget to ask us about how we can improve your experience with cosmetic dentistry in Portland OR. Your smile is our favorite part of what we do!

6 Important Times to Call Your Denturist

Denturist Portland OR

Do you have cracked, broken or stained dentures? If you do, Classic Denture Center is here to help you with all of your denture repair needs.

It is important to seek help as soon as you notice damage to your dentures to avoid further damage.

If you are wondering about what types of repairs your local Denturist in Portland OR can perform, we have listed a few below: 

  1. Cracked or broken teeth: One of the most common types of damage we see is breakage. In many instances, this happens when our patients drop their dentures into the sink or onto the floor when taking them out or putting them back in place. Breakage can also occur when biting into something hard. In most cases, if you come into our office right away, your cracked or broken false teeth can be repaired. That said, if you attempt to use a DIY repair kit, you could make the problem worse. Try to remember that non-professional denture repairs may lead to further complications in adjustment and durability at some point or another. It is also important to know that poor quality repairs are in many cases more difficult to undo than repairing it professionally the first time.
  2. Worn teeth: Wearing your dentures day after day can lead to wear and tear. If they are exposed to strong temperature differentials or teeth grinding habits, they could wear earlier and require repair. So if you notice signs of wear pop up early on, your denturist can repair or replace individual teeth.
  3. Lost teeth: If you have experienced tooth loss, your denturist can replace them easily without making you compromise fit, comfort, or aesthetic.
  4. Adding teeth: In some cases, our patients may experience the loss of additional natural teeth. When this happens, your dentures can in many cases be adapted to the new space. We can add extra teeth to replace the newly extracted or broken natural teeth and you can go back to your daily life.
  5. Adjustments: At some point or another, you will likely need an adjustment for your dentures. This can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe you are experiencing normal wear of the denture or a change in the gums underneath. If this is the case, a denture can be relined to renew the contact area with the gum. On the other hand, your denturist may suggest having your dentures rebased, which means refabricating the pink acrylic of the denture that holds the teeth in place.
  6. Stain removal: If you are noticing a great deal of staining on your dentures, your Denturist in Portland OR is professionally equipped to remove all kinds of stains from your dentures safely and without leaving behind damage to the finish.

Have you been putting off an important denture repair? If so, it’s time to take the next step and contact us! We want to make sure that you love your smile every single day, from how it looks to how it feels!