Why Denture and Gum Hygiene Are Imperative To Oral Health

Here at Classic Denture Center, your denturist in Portland OR is constantly working to educate you on your oral health. One major part of keeping those pearly whites healthy is keeping up with your hygiene.

It might seem surprising but research consistently shows that those who wear dentures are at a higher risk for developing infections in their mouth than those who do not wear dentures. Even more surprising is the fact that the majority of those who wear dentures will eventually be infected as time moves on. Infection can be detrimental to hygiene and oral health.

Classic Denture Center - denture hygiene

Here are just a few types of bacteria that frequently colonize on dentures:

  • Candida Albicans
  • Streptococcus
  • Staphylococcus
  • Actinomyces

While bacteria is everywhere and is not always dangerous, when it comes to your mouth, the above infections can lead to Oral Thrush, Stomatitis and Pneumonia. Each of these is so common that millions of people are infected each year.

The symptoms of an oral infection are:

  • Redness
  • Discomfort
  • White tongue
  • Loss of taste

Most people who have the beginning stages of oral infections may not even know that they are sick because the symptoms can be so mild.

What puts you at a greater risk for oral infection?

Things like your age, the medication you are taking, illnesses you might have, and your personal habits can make you much more prone to an oral infection. This is especially true when you use your dentures beyond the recommended replacement time and those who do not clean them properly. In some cases, medications can further exacerbate your oral condition by causing dry mouth and other conditions.

A major issue we see is that many of these infections are left untreated due to a variety of factors… Maybe you are not aware that your symptoms are pointing to a problem, or maybe you regularly visit the drugstore, not a dental professional. Either way, we at Classic Denture Center take pride in educating our patients about the hygienic risks associated with the regular use of oral appliances.

A reminder from your denturist

Classic Denture Center - denture hygiene
Do NOT clean your dentures with regular toothpaste.

One of the most common problems we see is that many patients do not know or forget that toothpaste is much too abrasive for removable oral appliances! It might seem harmless to brush your dentures, partial dentures, mouth guards, or snoring devices with a toothbrush and toothpaste, but it can damage them more than you realize. The bristles can cause microscopic scratches, leading to a visible difference in shine, finish, and color… but even worse, these scratches become the perfect breeding ground for dangerous pathogens.

To fight back against infection and keep your oral appliances in tip-top shape, your denturist in Portland OR recommends properly cleaning them, your mouth, and your gums regularly. A soft toothbrush used with a low-abrasive denture gum paste or any antibacterial soap is best! If you need suggestions, please feel free to contact our office! We are happy to help you every step of the way.

*Major brand denture cleansers can only claim to kill “odor-causing bacteria”, and do nothing to prevent recurring diseases from infected dentures. Doctor Lorin Berland, DDS developed Cleanadent Crystals, a soak cleanser that instantly kills Candida, Strep, Staph, and Actinomyces without harmful chemicals like bleach or chlorine.

The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

It has probably been drilled into you throughout your life that taking good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums is of utmost importance. Your denturist in Portland OR Tanya Poleon stresses that keeping up with your oral and dental hygiene can help you prevent mouth conditions, such as bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease, as well as keep your natural teeth for as long as possible.

The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

Brushing and flossing are both activities that are seen as vital to ensuring a  healthy mouth, but they can also be your first line of defense when it comes to other dangerous medical conditions.

As the case for maintaining good oral hygiene keeps getting stronger, it is important for you to understand how important your oral health is to your overall health.

So what does your mouth tell us about your overall health?

The answer to that question is… Plenty! 

A simple swab or look inside can actually give your doctor a world of insight into what’s going on inside your body.

Your saliva can also be used to detect for a variety of diseases and substances including:

  • Cortisol levels
  • Fragments of certain bone-specific proteins
  • Drugs
  • Certain cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Many other infectious diseases

Dental plaque has a connection to a variety of infections and diseases. Even though your saliva is great for protecting you against some invaders, it isn’t infallible. Many different types of bacteria can grow and thrive within your mouth. These bacteria constantly form a sticky, colorless film called dental plaque. This substance can cling to your teeth and cause you many pesky health problems.

This is especially the case when you forget to brush and floss on a regular basis. Allowing the plaque to build up along your gum-line can create the perfect environment for additional bacteria to accumulate.

This bacteria can lead to gum infections, such as: The Connection Between Oral Care and Overall Health

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Trench mouth

These are just a few reasons why good habits are important to your overall health… Your mouth is more than just a pretty smile or a way to enjoy your favorite meal… It’s the gateway to the rest of your body!

It is also important to know that caring for your natural teeth and caring for your dentures does differ. Here is the proper way to care for your dentures:

  1. When cleaning your dentures, hold them over a sink of warm water to avoid damage if they are dropped
  2. Rinse them thoroughly with warm water to make sure food particles are removed
  3. Use a denture cleanser to avoid damage to the denture
  4. Moisten a denture brush to gently clean all surfaces of your denture
  5. Brush your tongue, gums, and natural teeth with a fluoride toothpaste before putting your dentures back in to help remove plaque
  6. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after you brush to be refreshed.

In many cases, you might have partial dentures and still have some natural teeth left, so it is important to use the proper hygiene suggestions for each to ensure and maintain proper oral health.

At Classic Denture Center, we know how much your smile means to you, and we hope you know how much it means to us!  We want to make sure that you have the tools to keep it in it’s best shape for as long as possible, which is why dental hygiene is our biggest push for our patients!

Your denturist in Portland OR believes firmly that the relationship between your overall health and your oral health is one of the most important connections out there. So please resolve to regularly practice good oral hygiene each and every day. This is an investment that you are making in our health, for the rest of your life!

Contact us today or schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you improve your health, in every way possible, through effective oral care.