A Denturist Shares the Worst Places to Lose Your Dentures in Portland OR

denturesYou and I both know that your dentures are supposed to stay in your mouth, but if you have traditional dentures, they often don’t. When they don’t, it can lead to some very embarrassing moments! Sometimes your dentures come out at inappropriate or inconvenient times, and there is not much that can be done about it!

So to make light of this situation, we want to share a few of the worst places to lose your dentures:

On the Road: One minute, you are riding your motorcycle or scooter and smiling, then you hit a big bump and you don’t know longer have your teeth any more!

In a Dumpster: Your dentures are meant to help you eat, but maybe you take your dentures out at the restaurant and forget to put them back in! This leads to your dentures ending up in the trash, and, eventually, in the dumpster.

In the Toilet: Ok, gross… But amazingly, this does happen! While no one actually sees you lose them in there, the embarrassment comes from having to admit where you lost them when you have to replace them!

Down Your Throat:  Seriously, while it might not sound like it, this is a thing! Dentures are one of the most commonly swallowed items. You might not even realize you have swallowed them as crazy as that sounds!

At a Crime Scene: We know you are not out and about committing crimes, so this one is all in fun!   That said, losing your dentures at a crime scene could ruin the perfect crime!

So, there you have it! These are some pretty lame places to lose your dentures! Most of the people around you will hardly notice when your dentures end up somewhere they shouldn’t! Remember,  you are the person who is notices the most!

To learn more about getting dentures in Portland Oregon that are more functional and secure, please click here to contact Classic Denture Center today!